
Freelancer ID: #38 Data Scientist, Machine learning Engineer Netherlands
Independent Contractor
Data Scientist, Machine learning Engineer
Dutch, English
32 hours
Whole of Nethelands
  • , Apache Spark,AWS,Azure Data Factory,Azure Databricks,C++,Docker,Kubeflow,Microsoft Azure Cloud,MongoDB,Python
  • , Problem-solving skills
  • , Data Science,Deep Learning,DevOps,Machine learning,MLOps

With over 7 years of experience as an Analytics Engineer and Data Scientist, I have a proven track record of delivering successful projects across a range of industries, including health, finance, telecommunications, and transportation. My ability to lead companies in the development of analytical and predictive systems is based on leveraging state-of-the-art ETL pipelines and utilizing the latest data engineering tools and best practices, resulting in an 80% time reduction in computation.

I possess excellent technical skills, including expertise in analytics, machine learning algorithms, statistical modeling, and database management. I am skilled in driving data-based decision-making, ensuring that clients receive the most innovative and cutting-edge solutions.

My skills and abilities include software development, artificial intelligence, data science, system design, and project management. I have worked with a range of tools and technologies, including Python, R, C++, NodeJS, TensorFlow, Pytorch, Sklearn, Huggingface, Ansible, Terraform, Airflow, Docker, Kubernetes,, Flask, Nginx, AWS SageMaker & Lambda, Tableau, Grafana, Looker, Pandas, Numpy, Ray, Spark, Kafka, Dramatiq, Celery, Postgres, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Redis, Nebula, AWS timestream, HIVE, Parquet, HDFS, and AWS S3.

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