
In defense of the DIY data scientist

Some people start their data science journey with a formal education. They learn the essential math, programming, and statistics at a university. And they enter the data science world equipped with a slick degree. But many others do not. Instead, Read more

April 13, 2020

AI Platform Node Raises New Funding

Node announces today the first ever self-service AI that enables companies of all sizes to build advanced artificial intelligence into their applications, products, and business processes. Node’s horizontal AI platform-as-a-service allows companies to use AI to make smarter business decisions, Read more

April 8, 2020

Brain Inspired Computing Congress

The Brain Inspired Computing Congress will bring together the leading start-ups, researchers and multinational companies who are exploring technologies spanning neuromorphic engineering, event-based sensors, brain-inspired algorithms and biologically plausible neural networks. This congress will provide an overview of these technologies in addition to deep-dive Read more

April 6, 2020

VS-initiatief om met ai corona te lijf te gaan

Zeven universiteiten in de VS (waaronder het prestigieuze Princeton), Microsoft en dagen wetenschappers uit om met gebruikmaking van kunstmatige intelligentie het coronavirus te bestrijden. Digital Transformation is een onderzoeksconsortium dat zich richt op versnelling van het gebruik van Read more

March 31, 2020


Join ASAP and learn how we can apply artificial intelligence to solve the climate crisis! About this Event At ASAP we will both showcase the cutting-edge of AI applied to tackle the climate crisis as well as come up with Read more

March 27, 2020

Machine Learning Engineer

MessageBird is a Cloud Communications Platform (CPaaS) that enables consumers in virtually every corner of the planet to connect with businesses in the same way they connect with their friends – seamlessly, on their own timeline and with context. We’re Read more

March 19, 2020

AI In Practice

18th March 2020 | Startup Village Amsterdam The fifth edition of AI in Practice will take place on March 18th, 2020 at Startup Village, Amsterdam Science Park. AI in Practice aims to inspire you with real-life AI applications and case Read more

March 5, 2020

Deep learning-model voor snelle diagnostiek coronavirus

Een groep Chinese onderzoekers stelt erin geslaagd te zijn een deep learning model te ontwikkelen dat radiologen kan ondersteunen bij het herkennen van een corona-infectie (COVID-19) op CT-scans. Dat staat in vakpublicatie medRxiv. Het gaat om voorlopige uitkomsten die nog Read more

March 4, 2020

ONBRDNG neemt Artificial Intelligence organisatie Pertimatic over

AMSTERDAM, 3 maart 2020 — ONBRDNG Digital Consultancy & Training heeft het Artificial Intelligence bedrijf Pertimatic overgenomen, dat maakt het Amsterdamse bedrijf vandaag bekend. Pertimatic-oprichter Maros Kyselica treedt in dienst bij het consultancybedrijf als Data Scientist. Pertimatic is expert op Read more

March 3, 2020