AI Solar Energy Forecasting Challenge

Addressing climate change is an urgent challenge. Shell is aiming to be a clean-emissions energy company by 2050, in line with their communities and customers. Shell is exploring new opportunities to provide more lower-carbon energy sources such as biofuels, hydrogen, electric vehicle charging, and electricity generated from solar and wind power. To achieve this, they are working cooperatively on strong early-stage schemes that have the opportunity to influence the future of energy.

Assist Shell in harnessing the sun’s power for a chance to win money or cash for your project!

Solar power is one of the quickest developing environmentally friendly power sources. Yet, a fundamental drawback still pertains to solar power generation, and that is its intermittency, which is caused by changing weather conditions. While we are aware that the sun does not shine at night, it is necessary to forecast solar energy production during the day to balance energy production and consumption.

Shell believes that bright minds passionate about AI can come up with innovative solutions to this challenge and help to increase the of renewable energy in the electricity mix. This is why Shell, Microsoft, and NVIDIA, with the support of SINE (IIT Bombay) and NIRMAAN (IIT Madras), are launching the AI Solar Power Prediction Challenge. The challenge will focus on AI’s ability to predict solar power output using historical sky camera images and weather data. The hackathon winners will receive either monetary prizes or funding to help them develop their Proof of Concept further.

Take a look at this on Shell‘s website to read more about the challenge, how to enter, and the rewards!

Source: Shell

October 6, 2021