• Price €1490.00,-

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    Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler and Data Science (v18.1.1) (0A008G)

    This course provides the fundamentals of using IBM SPSS Modeler and introduces the participant to data science. The principles and practice of data science are illustrated using the CRISP-DM methodology. The course provides training in the basics of how to import, explore, and prepare data with IBM SPSS Modeler v18.1.1, and introduces the student to modeling. 1. Introduction to data science List two applications of data science Explain the stages in the CRISP-DM methodology Describe the skills needed for data science 2. Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler Describe IBM SPSS Modeler's user-interface Work with nodes and streams Generate nodes from output Use SuperNodes Execute streams Open and save streams Use Help 3. Introduction to data science using IBM SPSS Modeler Explain the basic framework of a data-science project Build a model Deploy a model